Incentives and Programs
For qualifying companies, the One Columbus team will help navigate funding sources and incentive programs—including identifying, evaluating and procuring the appropriate programming. Additionally, Ohio offers performance-based incentives to assist companies that are starting, relocating or expanding operations in the state.
State Tax Credits, Loan and Grant Programs
The state of Ohio offers tax credits, loans and grant programs to help accelerate business growth in the state.
Job Creation Tax Credit
A refundable and performance-based tax credit calculated as a percent of created payroll and applied toward the company’s commercial activity tax liability
DataCenter Tax Abatement
Provides a sales-tax exemption rate and term that allow for partial or full sales tax exemption on the purchase of eligible data center equipment
Research and Development Investment Loan Fund
Provides loan financing ranging from $500,000 to $5 million for projects primarily engaging in R&D activity
166 Direct Loan
Gives eligible businesses loans for land and building acquisition, construction, expansion or renovation, and equipment purchases
Ohio Enterprise Bond Fund
Offers revenue bond financing through an S&P-rated fund, whereby proceeds from the sale of bonds are loaned to companies for fixed-rate, long-term capital asset financing
Innovation Ohio Loan Fund
Provides loans for acquisition, construction and related capital costs of technology, facilities and equipment purchases
Roadwork Development (629) Funds
Available for public roadway improvements, including engineering and design costs

JobsOhio Loan and Grant Programs
JobsOhio offers several loan and grant programs to smooth the way for business expansion in Ohio.
JobsOhio Economic Development Grant: Provides funding for eligible projects in the state of Ohio
JobsOhio Growth Fund: Provides capital for expansion projects to companies that have limited access to funding from conventional, private sources of financing
Research and Development Center Grant: Facilitates the creation of corporate R&D centers in Ohio to support the development and commercialization of emerging technologies and products
JobsOhio Revitalization Program: Helps rejuvenate sites in preparation for end-users that support job creation opportunities for Ohioans
JobsOhio Inclusion Grant: Provides financial support for eligible projects in designated distressed communities and/or for businesses owned by underrepresented populations across the state
JobsOhio Workforce Grant: Provides funding to companies for employee development and training programs

Local Incentives
Depending on your geographic location, additional incentives may be available at the local municipality or county level. Each local incentive is determined on an individual project basis by considering factors such as job creation, payroll and capital investment. Incentives may include:
Performance-based or job growth incentives
Workforce training assistance and/or grants
Loan programs

The following programs are available statewide to make the site selection process easier than ever.
SiteOhio: A site selection evaluation program that goes beyond the common site certification process. These sites are construction ready for immediate development on day one
Revitalization Program: Offers loans and grants to companies to redevelop underutilized properties—both land and buildings—and put them back into productive use
Ohio Site Inventory Program: Offers grant and low-interest loans to support speculative site and building development projects with no identified end user
R&D Center Grant: Created to facilitate new strategic corporate R&D centers in Ohio that will support the development and commercialization of emerging technologies and/or products

Contact Us
One Columbus, the economic development organization for the 11-county Columbus Region, is on deck to help your business find its place here. Together we’ll secure your growing business’s future in our thriving business ecosystem.